Roger Fredinburg – In Memoriam
Remembering Roger Fredinburg
By Kelleigh Nelson, April 29, 2022

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. Psalm 37:23
And I will delight myself in thy commandments, which I have loved. My hands also will I lift up unto thy commandments, which I have loved; and I will meditate in thy statutes. Psalm 119:47-48
Roger Fredinburg was my friend, my former boss, and my dear brother in Christ. He was born on October 1, 1960 and passed into glory at 2:00 a.m. on April 19th. Heaven rejoices, and those of us who knew and loved Roger, mourn our loss, but know we will see him again.
Please keep Roger’s wife Anne, their children and the rest of their family and friends in your prayers as they go through this time of grief and loss.
Certainly, the Lord loved Roger, who called himself the “Regular Guy,” when he hosted his three-hour nationally syndicated radio program for over a decade. Truly, this man was not a just regular guy, but someone so special, that the Lord blessed him with the ability to empathize and understand, to laugh and to weep and to care so much about his fellow man, especially those he interviewed night after night.
Most of Roger’s guests were political, but there was a time in 1997-1998, where his sensitivity and dedication were evident most when he took on a series entitled, The Holocaust, We Must Remember. Every Wednesday night for 21 weeks, he interviewed survivors, resistance fighters, historians, and so many more.
The unconditional Abrahamic Covenant to Israel states in Genesis 12:1-3 that those who bless Israel will be blessed, and those who curse her will be cursed. As Roger told me many times, the best radio he ever did, and loved, was the series on the Holocaust. And the Lord greatly blessed him.
I remember it well, because as Roger’s Executive Producer, I had asked him if we could do this program. His answer was a resounding YES! Roger has little patience with anti-Semites, and he always loved his Jewish brethren. The music he chose for Wednesday nights was perfect, and his warmth and gentleness during the interviews made every program even more beneficial to the audience.
My friend Chey Simonton helped me locate and schedule wonderful guests and we opened the program with Dr. Michael Berenbaum who was Project Director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC. Dr. Berenbaum took us on a verbal walk through describing the contents of the museum’s many floors.
Here is a portion of what Roger wrote on the Holocaust website about the series. The website is no longer functional, but Roger’s letter and the many guests are still listed.
I knew talk radio and I knew of anti-Semitism in many groups in America. I felt that if we could show the truth of what happened in WWII, perhaps we could change the attitudes of some of these people with their false beliefs. I also wanted the opportunity to bless the Jews and Israel as the Bible clearly states we are to do.
The program to me held both emotional and spiritual revelations. Several times I almost broke down when listening to their stories as I could hear the deep hurt and pain in their voices. When dear Dorit Bader-Whiteman told of the children who escaped prior to the “final solution,” and of parents sending their children with strangers to save them, I couldn’t imagine the pain of both parents and youngsters being separated.
When Samuel Oliner told of his being protected as a young Jewish boy in hiding to save his life and a WWII vet called in to tell of liberating a camp Samuel was speaking about, the WWII veteran started weeping on air. It was heart wrenching.
Of course, hearing Henry Feingold talk about his book, “Bearing Witness,” and his very clear take on how it could possibly happen again awakened a sense of the profound evil that perpetrated these horrors on humanity.
How many people have actually had an opportunity to sit down with survivors of the Holocaust? I kept asking myself, “Where was God?” And I kept thinking, “Why God?” I had a lot lower opinion of people as well as a much higher opinion of those that suffered. Their strong spirit and their ability to hold on to their dignity gave me an increased understanding of these amazing people. Of all my years in radio, I consider this program to be the best I’ve accomplished. We offer here both the original interviews and the transcripts of same so others may come to understand the horrors and evil that overtook the Jews of Europe in WWII. Once again, I thank every guest and hope that you’ll find a deeper understanding of what they suffered and survived.
Roger’s radio station received dozens of requests from universities and colleges across the country for the tapes. Even Steven Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation requested the tapes, and Mr. Spielberg called Roger and thanked him for the series.
Over the years, Roger and I stayed in touch via email and phone. This wonderful Godly man was only with us for 62 years, but he made a lasting impression on everyone he touched.
Today, April 29th, 2022 his friends and family will meet to honor Roger in a celebration of his life.
Surely when he entered heaven’s gates, the Lord said to him, “Well done good and faithful servant.”
Rest in peace dear Roger, you will forever be missed.

Roger Fredinburg ~ Radio Roger
I was born in 1960, fifteen years after WWII had ended and was raised in Ashland, Oregon. I relocated to Orange County Ca. and lived there for most of the 1980’s but found my way back home in 1990 and have been here ever since.
My executive producer, Kelleigh Nelson lives in Knoxville, TN, and her cohort in the Holocaust series, Chey Simonton, lives in Seattle, Washington. I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting either of these women, but we’ve become like family and I consider them my close friends.
At the time in 1997 when Kelleigh approached me with the thought of doing a series on the Holocaust, I had been in radio since 1991. I started with KCMX in Medford, Oregon and then was recruited by Alan Corbeth to come to a larger experimental FM station, KOPE-FM Radio. It was one of the first 100,000 watt FM stations to air talk programming in the country. In 1993 KOPE was the cornerstone of a new network syndication effort. I was there from 1993 to 2001. My program was at various times on over 600 different stations, but we averaged 200 stations nationally.
Kelleigh had been my executive producer for about a year when she first mentioned the thought of this series to me. Our format was to interview all types of people keeping up with the news of the day and guests from both sides of the aisle. Kelleigh was responsible for booking my guests and getting the information about them to me prior to their interviews.
I knew talk radio and I knew of anti-Semitism in many groups in America. I felt that if we could show the truth of what happened in WWII perhaps we could change the attitudes of some of these people with their false beliefs. I also wanted the opportunity to bless the Jews and Israel as the Bible clearly states we are to do.
The program to me held both emotional and spiritual revelations. Several times I almost broke down when listening to their stories as I could hear the deep hurt and pain in their voices. When dear Dorit Bader-Whiteman told of the children that escaped prior to the ‘final solution,’ and of parents sending their children with strangers to save them, I couldn’t imagine the pain of both parents and youngsters being separated.
When Samuel Oliner told of his being protected as a young Jewish boy in hiding to save his life and a WWII vet called in to tell of liberating a camp Samuel was speaking about, the WWII veteran started weeping on air. It was heart wrenching.
Of course hearing Henry Feingold talk about his book, “Bearing Witness,” and his very clear take on how it could possibly happen again awakened a sense of the profound evil that perpetrated these horrors on humanity.
How many people have actually had an opportunity to sit down with survivors of the Holocaust? I kept asking myself, “Where was God?” And I kept thinking, “Why God?” I had a lot lower opinion of people as well as a much higher opinion of those that suffered. Their strong spirit and their ability to hold on to their dignity gave me an increased understanding of these amazing people. Of all my years in radio, I consider this program to be the best I’ve accomplished. We offer here both the original interviews and the transcripts of same so others may come to understand the horrors and evil that overtook the Jews of Europe in WWII. Once again, I thank every guest and hope that you’ll find a deeper understanding of what they suffered and survived.
About Us – We Must Remember (
Roger Fredinburg. Radio’s Regular Guy…
No Ivy League pedigree. No pin-striped advisers. No verbal affectations. Roger Fredinburg remains, through several years of dynamic growth in syndicated talk radio, as “regular” as the day he first met the microphone. LISTEN NOW TO ROGER FREDINBURG at
Every night Roger Fredinburg shares the richly textured stories of his life and his buddies’ lives, and the events that have served to galvanize a point of view that keeps audiences in over 200 markets tuning in every night for more from “the Regular Guy.”
Listeners look forward to every last detail of Roger Fredinburg’s colorful stories, especially tales from all the different jobs he’s had. From shoeshine boy in his Dad’s barber shop, to gas station attendant, to mill worker, to used car salesman, Roger Fredinburg’s credentials read like a mimeographed flyer you’d find stuffed under your windshield wiper. Unlike most talk hosts, Roger Fredinburg remains proud of his humble beginnings and he frequently uses each unimpressive reference to illustrate his populist points of view. With both open line segments and guest interviews, Roger Fredinburg is great with the special breed of callers this unique host cultivates. They trust him. They listen closely. They catch hints of something great stirring in the Regular Guy, such as his past political aspirations, and brief stints in the corporate world. They jam the lines every night.
In addition to Roger Fredinburg’s trademark monologues, he books a wide variety of special guests who serve to broaden the show and draw out more of the many complex facets of the host. The Regular Guy goes out of his way to find guests who are typically “not on the circuit.” Although current events and politics are popular subjects, you’ll hear Roger Fredinburg mixing it up with muck-rakers who’ve developed interesting rantings on nutrition and social issues, as well as other “regular” folks who’ve encountered extraordinary events or circumstances in their lives. BROADCASTTALK.COM: Roger Fredinburg (
R-E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N might seem farfetched to many – but pressure is building for Americans to rise up against tyranny.
Our worst enemies don’t hide in the rocky hillsides of Afghanistan; the most dangerous enemies of America are the domestic kind, mostly government hacks who reside in or near Washington DC.
Roger will prove that to you; Just give the show a chance!
Roger started his syndicated radio career in 1993 at TRN as the lead in to Art Bell’s Coast to Coast AM (Now w/George Noory). Fascinated by issues, people, politics and ever encroaching big government, Roger soon became one of the most recognized names in radio syndication and in a short time had hundreds of radio stations airing his nightly broadcasts. At 32 years old Roger was the youngest solo talk personality in radio history to achieve 150 radio station affiliates.
Roger was the 1st radio host to get into a little trouble for exposing Government lies, from live on-air minute by minute coverage of huge events like; Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge Idaho, David Koresh and the branch Davidians in Waco Texas, who our government murdered just to try to justify a budget for the BATF.
Later Roger covered the Oklahoma City Bombing and eventually 911.
When Roger began asking why, if the official record had proven that 19 Saudi Arabian terrorists were the perpetrators of the 911 attack, what then was the purpose of attacking Iraq?
Shortly after asking his estimated 4 million listeners to demand answers to that question the forces of big brother began threatening and intimidating his network and affiliate stations in a coordinated effort to knock him off the air.
The globalist cabal is freaked out because — He’s BACK!
Please listen in and help Roger expose the real threats to national security.
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